Don't Forget the Fiber!
The following content is re-posted from BeneFiber.
1. Plan ahead. Stock your shelves with high-fiber foods and you'll be less apt to grab unhealthy alternatives. With your fridge stuffed with fresh fruits and vegetables, and your pantry packed with healthy snacks, you can't go wrong.
2. Begin with breakfast.
You've heard it before: Healthy eating starts with a healthy breakfast. If you like boxed cereals, read the labels and pick whole-grain options with five or more grams of fiber per serving. Take it a step further by adding a spoonful of wheat bran or a small scoop of fiber supplement. Other good options: oatmeal, whole-wheat pancakes, and fruit.
3. Eat fruit and avoid fruit juices. One medium-size banana contains three grams of fiber; so does an orange, while an apple holds four. A half-cup of apple juice, on the other hand, contains a negligible amount of dietary fiber but more calories than its off-the-tree counterpart.
4. Choose healthy, high-fiber snacks like air-popped popcorn, whole fruits or raw vegetables. Or grab a handful of almonds, pecans, or pistachio nuts, all of which are loaded with fiber. Save the chips and sugary treats for special occasions, and if you're going to eat crackers, choose whole-grain varieties.
5. Cook with whole-grain and whole foods. Wild rice and whole-wheat spaghetti. Multigrain bread and baked potatoes. Maybe not in those combinations, but you get the picture: Unprocessed foods tend to be high-fiber foods, so choose items that are as close as possible to what you might find in nature.